When you eat some of your food is broken down into sugar (glucose).

Sugar travels in your blood to all over your body’s cells.

Sugar gives your body’s cells energy or gives you energy.

Sugar must leave the blood and go into the cell.

Sometimes it does not happen and blood sugar goes up.

This is the case of diabetes.

AvonAPBiology2011-2012 - Sonia Donde

Homeostasis of blood glucose:

  • Blood glucose must be maintained in a very narrow range 70 to 110 mg/dl.
  • Blood glucose levels < 70 mg/dl denote the situation on “hypoglycemia”.
  • Blood glucose levels > 180 mg/dl is termed “hyperglycemia”.
  • Insulin and glucagon are the 2 hormones that regulate homeostasis.
  • Both are secreted by endocrine pancreas.
  • They determine if a patient has diabetes or another related problem.

What blood get to do with IT?

  • Vehicle that moves the sugar into the cell.
  • Moves the medications into the cell.
  • The movement of the blood is critical.
  • When the blood moves slow or fast.

Building Life for Haiti is a 501 (c) (3), tax-deductible organization. Any donation will go onto support the organization. For more information visit our website. Thank you and God bless.

Dr. Jude Fabius Pharm.D
Dr. Jude Fabius Pharm.D

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